Podcast: Mom Driven, Doctor Aligned

Show notes:
Published December 22, 2020
At this point in the pandemic, most folks are feeling the effects of extended isolation. Spending the vast majority of time at home for months on end takes its toll, especially on kids and teenagers who are used to spending ample amounts of time with their peers. So how do we ensure that their social and emotional development continues while most children are attending school remotely?
Dr. Trenna Sutcliffe of the Sutcliffe Clinic joins us today to share her favorite methods for encouraging healthy emotional learning, which is just as vital as keeping up with an academic curriculum. Learning tools that support emotional regulation, healthy self-image, and a strong sense of empathy are best modeled and encouraged by parents first and foremost, and being home provides abundant opportunities to tune into your child’s needs, spend quality time together and play a part in their emotional development through setting positive examples. Listen in and learn specific ways to implement behavior modification and social-emotional growth that will benefit your child well into adulthood.
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Show notes:
Published December 9, 2020
Though it may not be making big headlines, we are in the midst of a children’s health crisis. More kids are experiencing high blood pressure, and a host of other issues, than ever before. In addition, the global pandemic has left one in four children with food insecurity, meaning it’s impossible to know where their next meal will come from. Couple that with the fact that 30 million kids depend on school meals for breakfast and lunch, and it becomes clear that the descent into the common use of processed foods is a major culprit in the decline of children’s health.
A cause close to Dr. Greene’s heart, Eat Real works to transform the health of kids and the planet by making a return to wholesome, real foods. CEO Nora LaTorre joins us today to share why nutrition is one of the most overlooked aspects of health, and how we can change that. Eat Real is actively working to shift the health trajectory by making nutrition accessible to everyone, and you can help them in reaching their goals!
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Show notes:
Published November 24, 2020
Artisanal, handmade products have been in the spotlight for a moment now, and for good reason. There’s something extra special about holding an item that you know was forged by someone who took their time with it, taking years to perfect their craft. But what if you could support artists and those in need simultaneously?
The Little Market is taking their support of global artisans to the next level. By exclusively working with women in vulnerable communities around the world, they help to create dignified work opportunities for craftspeople in need of a wider audience. Statistics show that when women can generate their own income, they are able to initiate more opportunities for safety, autonomy, and education for their families.
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Show notes:
Published November 10, 2020
Today as our guest we have Dr. Kari Nadeau, renowned physician and director of the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research at Stanford University. With food allergy rates more than tripling in the last twenty years, many parents want to know what is contributing to this phenomenon, and what can be done to prevent and treat food allergies... Luckily there are many simple changes parents can make to help prevent them. And for those children (and adults) who do have food allergies, there are now exciting treatments to end food allergies.
And, parents, there is no reason, Dr. Nadeau reminds us, to feel guilty about food allergies.
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Show notes:
Published October 21, 2020
Cardiologist, Steven Gundry, says with levity “The only purpose of food is to get olive oil into your mouth.” Dr. Greene and Agatha don’t go that far in their praise of EVOO, but they do share their unbridled adoration of this “healthy fat” with its unparalleled polyphenol content, antioxidant function, anti-inflammatory properties, and its link to improved HDL levels and cardiovascular health.
With all the amazing benefits EVOO offers, from diet to skin and hair care, it’s no wonder olive trees have been cultivated in the Mediterranean since before the dawn of the written word. They also paint a beautiful picture of the La Furtuna Estate, located in the heart of the Mediterranean, where the organic olives are grown, pressed, and bottled for Bona Furtuna Olive Oil.
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Show notes:
Published Oct. 6, 2020
Whether it’s in the front of your mind or on the back burner, most people have been wondering if there’s an end to the pandemic in sight. We all want to know when we’ll be able to freely gather with family and friends once again, and when it will be safe for our children to return to school.
With over 34 million cases of COVID worldwide up until this point, Agatha and Dr. Greene take a look at current data regarding COVID rates, hospitalization, and outlooks for a vaccine in order to determine when we might be able to go about our lives without the need of a mask. While it still may take a while for that to happen, the good news is that there are a lot of things we can do to keep ourselves safe, which not only keeps us healthy, but will also contribute to the overall decline of the pandemic at large.
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Show notes:
Published September 22, 2020
September is often the time of year when people start to consider precautions for the upcoming cold and flu season. In the midst of an ongoing pandemic, many people are preoccupied with boosting their immunity; a better question might be how to optimize the immune system for peak performance.
What’s the difference, you might ask? “Boosting” immunity can send things into overdrive, while optimizing the immune system is a matter of supplying your system with the things it needs to function at its best - think whole foods, rest, and sunlight. Learn the four pillars that will keep the whole family well through cold and flu season and beyond.
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Show notes:
Published September 8, 2020
Today we’re tackling that oh so sneaky, sneezy foe, seasonal allergies. Now more than ever it’s vital to be able to distinguish between allergies and other respiratory ailments. The likelihood of children contracting COVID-19 is extremely low, nevertheless, monitoring allergies and other symptoms ensures that your children stay as healthy as possible.
Virtually unheard of until the 20th century, allergies have steadily increased as civilization has become more industrialized, and, by extension, more removed from the outdoors. The lack of exposure to bacteria and pollen from an early age actually makes it more difficult for the immune system to properly identify common pollen from a true threat. While this may sound impossible to regulate, have no fear. There are indeed many ways to mitigate allergic response, and even prevent allergies altogether. Listen as we discuss the best ways to keep your children safe and happy indoors and out.
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Show notes:
Published August 25, 2020
Every parent has been there: their child is red in the face, wailing, inconsolable. In times like this, it may seem as though nothing in the world could calm those tears of frustration. It may come as a surprise, then, that there are practices that can be applied both over time and in the moment that help children to move from a place of irritation into calm.
Enter Dr. Greene’s practice of BANG!. Applying the pillars of breathing, appreciation, nature, and giving, BANG! supports the nervous system by setting a strong foundation that enables children and adults to move more readily from the sympathetic (agitated) to parasympathetic (relaxed) states. Practiced consistently over time and with your support, your child will develop the capacity to ground and soothe themselves in even the most stressful of times.
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AgathaRelotaLuczo on Instagram
DrGreene on Twitter
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Show notes:
Published August 11, 2020
Lately, many parents have been spending more time at home with their kids, not only due to summer vacation but also because regulations in the U.S. continue to encourage both children and parents to stay home as much as possible. With the new school year around the corner, many families still don’t know if schools will open at all this year. So many unknowns can cause stress for children and their families.
Terra LaRock, psychologist and mindful parenting expert of Mindful Mamas, shares some of her favorite techniques for teaching the all-important skills of identifying emotions, learning to self-regulate, and working through impulse control and conflict resolution in positive ways that build confidence and awareness in both children and their parents. Combining the Fussy Temper Comfort ritual with exercises such as the calm corner and “double-dipping,” can help your children build their emotional toolkit, resulting in greater feelings of safety and communication.
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AgathaRelotaLuczo on Instagram
DrGreene on Twitter
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Show notes:
Published June 17, 2020
With Father’s Day just around the corner, we sat down with two of our favorite dads, former NBA star Baron Davis, and tech chair Steve Luczo, to discuss some of their favorite fatherhood rituals.
Cultivated with more intention than a habit, rituals offer the opportunity to connect more deeply with your children, whether it’s getting up early for breakfast together or writing letters to them that they can open up when they’re older. Being a parent isn’t just about being around. Learn some effective ways to “build bridges” with your children, cultivate a sense of bonding, and celebrate fatherhood in all its many forms.
Visit us on Social Media:
Agatha Relotaluczo on Instagram
Dr. Greene on Twitter
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Show notes:
Published May 20, 2020
This episode was recorded before the onset of COVID-19, and has been amended to reflect current guidelines and research.
Most of us can remember one time or another when our parents strongly encouraged us to “Go outside!” While they probably wanted us to burn off some kinetic energy built up throughout the school day, studies continue to show that outdoor playtime is ripe with benefits for growing children.
Even under orders to shelter in place, spending time outdoors (at a safe distance) can be extremely beneficial to both children and adults who have been cooped up inside. Not only does time spent outside improve mental development and spatial recognition, it also boosts mood, clarity of focus, and even wards away nearsightedness. If you don’t have a yard, don’t despair; getting to a nearby park or going hiking offer great opportunities to soak in all the benefits that nature has to offer!
Show notes:
Published on May 5, 2020
When situations become tense or stressful, remembering to breathe is usually the last thing on anyone’s mind. It’s ironic, then, that this is one of the best tools to help both the body and mind reset, calming the senses and taking us out of fight or flight response.
Agatha and Dr. Greene sit down to chat with health and wellness enthusiast Hilaria Baldwin. A mother, yoga instructor and co-host of the Mom Brain podcast, Hilaria shares some of the practices that keep her family feeling grounded at home, even getting the littlest members involved in yoga! Incorporating breathwork and a healthy dose of gratitude, Hilaria illustrates simple customs that can calm even the most rambunctious kids (and parents!).
If there are topics you’d like us to cover in upcoming episodes, we’d love to hear from you. Leave us a message in the comments below.
Show notes:
Published April 29, 2020
We know there are lots of people out there managing parenthood and careers, made all the more complex by the current landscape influenced by COVID-19. In this special episode, Agatha interviews the co-founder and CEO of HeyMama, Katya Libin, as she discusses the mission behind HeyMama, and the ways in which being a parent and entrepreneur have helped inform each other.
HeyMama aims to help mothers in the workforce connect, collaborate and learn from one another. Katya reflects upon her role as mother and CEO, and how managing company culture is surprisingly similar to creating an atmosphere in the home that is guiding and supportive to children. Integral to that is the presence of ritual and gratitude, values Bambini Furtuna holds dear to the heart! (Keep an eye out for future collaborations between these two!)
If there are topics you’d like us to cover in upcoming episodes, we’d love to hear from you. Leave us a message in the comments below.
Show notes:
Published April 8, 2020
Coronavirus is on everyone’s mind lately, but there’s not necessarily a whole lot of information circulating that speaks to the needs of children and parents at this time. This week Mom Driven, Doctor Aligned pairs up with HeyMama for a Q&A session, addressing parents’ concerns during quarantine.
Some of us have been sheltering in place longer than others, but it’s safe to say homes with little ones are really feeling the effects of isolation. Dr. Greene draws on his pediatric expertise to answer your questions, ranging from screen time to breastfeeding to how to best make a homemade mask.
If there are topics you’d like us to cover in upcoming episodes, we’d love to hear from you. Leave us a message in the comments below.
Show notes:
Published March 11, 2020
We’ve all seen plastic water bottles that advertise themselves as “BPA-free,” but what does that really mean? Agatha and Dr. Greene take a look at some of the synthetic chemicals that commonly show up at home and in our food, including how they affect the human body, and how to avoid them.
Thankfully, our bodies are resilient organisms very well adept at clearing out the things that don’t belong. So even if there is a concern about one of the 85,000 (!) chemicals approved for use within the U.S., there are simple ways to reduce toxic exposures and, chances are, given the right conditions, kids’ bodies are remarkably resilient.
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Show notes:
Published February 26, 2020
For nearly the past century, many families in the Western world have automatically reached for jarred (or in more recent years, pouched) baby food when it comes time to introduce solid food to their infants. While there are certainly some brands that are more nutritious than others, in truth there is no reason not to simply share whatever food the rest of the family is enjoying for their meal.
Avocadoes, bananas, and cooked sweet potatoes are a great place to start, but many soft fruits or cooked vegetables can be mashed, mixed with a little breast milk or formula, and shared with your little one. Not only does this set the stage for healthy choices later in life, but your baby then takes part in the family mealtime experience, which is priceless.
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Show notes:
Published February 12, 2020
We all have our favorite foods, and some that we avoid at all costs. Thinking back to childhood, it can be easy to see how proclivities for particular foods are formed. Perhaps our parents emphasized having vegetables at every meal, or maybe there were lots of sugary treats in the house. What we consume in early childhood sets the stage for eating habits later in life.
What may be surprising, however, is that so-called “picky eating” is not in and of itself a bad thing. In nature flavors indicate if something is safe to eat, or if it is potentially dangerous. Aversion to certain foods is the body’s natural way of trying to protect itself. The good thing is that children learn to trust the example of parents and older siblings, creating the opportunity to open the gateway and explore many different types of food – even delicious vegetables!
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.Show notes:
Published January 29, 2020
As people grow older and lead busier lives, sleep often becomes an unconscious paradise longed for throughout the day. For children, however, sleep is often avoided at all costs. The world is new! Exciting! And must be explored!
Agatha and Dr. Greene delve into the circadian rhythm, ways to create sleep rituals, and even explain how we’re affected by zeitgebers. (Hint: That’s not a type of alien). With a little discipline, it’s possible to cultivate good sleeping habits from even the earliest days, encouraging deep rest and relaxation so children are primed to be their most healthy and happy.
If there are topics you’d like us to cover in upcoming episodes, we’d love to hear from you. Leave us a message in the comments below.
Show notes:
Published January 15, 2020
Many sleepless nights are spent soothing children as they struggle to deal with ear infections. It’s no coincidence that ear infections are the number one reason antibiotics are prescribed in the U.S. However, there’s no need for these pesky infections to keep coming up like a greatest hits playlist from last year’s Spotify.
Agatha and Dr. Greene discuss ways to identify an ear infection, how to treat them naturally, and even ways they can be prevented. The surprising twist is that many ear infections don’t need to be treated with antibiotics at all – oftentimes they heal just fine on their own. Good news for kids and parents alike!
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Thanks for joining us for Mom Driven, Doctor Aligned
Dr. Alan Greene and Agatha Relota Luczo, supermodel and mother of four, discuss important parenting and children’s health issues. They are joined by a lineup of guest experts including developmental and behavioral specialist Dr. Trenna Sutcliffe, Golden State Warriors player and father Baron Davis, CEO of EatREAL, school food advocate and mother of two Nora LaTorre, and Dr. Kari Nadeau, allergy specialist and author of The End of Food Allergy.