Obesity: The Yogurt Solution
    Obesity: The Yogurt Solution

    Dr. Greene's take on yogurt and obesity... In an effort to stay slim, many teenage girls forgo dairy products in favor of diet sodas. Ironically, research shows that calcium is important for maintaini…

    Iron Needs Missed in Millions
    Iron Needs Missed in Millions

    Iron deficiency in toddlers, preschool children, and teenage girls is still all too common in the US. Healthy People 2010 is a program that has set an achievable target of dropping iron deficiency rat…

    The Lunch of Champions?
    The Lunch of Champions?

    No, once again, breakfast emerges as the most important meal for parents to focus on with their kids. Many children (and adults) still skip breakfast. (more…)…

    Helping Kids Eat Smart

    Encourage your children's teachers to teach the class at least a little about good nutrition at the beginning of each year. If eating well is confirmed by this outside authority and is tied in with su…

    Teen and school age siblings baking. Peer pressure nutrition
    Healthy Eating, Part IV – Motivators for school age children and adolescents

    During school years, the phenomenon of peer pressure begins to become a very powerful force. Children see what's packed in each other's lunches. And, yes, it's not unusual for your darling to trade th…