Child with cucumbers on her eyes to ease itchy eyes.
    Itchy Eyes: Allergies are Crying Out for Attention

     Itchy eyes often distract kids and decrease their ability to learn new material. If this weren't bad enough, they can cause kids to sleep less well. For some kids, the difference in sleep can make th…

    Boy blowing his nose. Stuffy nose and cough for kids.
    Stuffy Nose and Cough Remedies for Kids

    Kids are not small adults. That may seem like something so obvious that it goes without saying. Yet for decades the doses for many medicines, including over the counter cough and cold medicines were s…

    Toddler with big ears, sad face and drool. Does he need Garlic Oil for Ear Infections?
    Olive Oil and Garlic for Ear Infection Pain

    Ear infections can hurt! Topical drops can ease the pain while watching to see if antibiotics are necessary. And if antibiotics are needed, while waiting for antibiotics to take effect. A study in the…

    Young Asian Girl listening to her teddy bear's heart with a stethoscope. Antibiotic Related ER Visits.
    More than a Quarter Million Antibiotic Related ER Visits

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that between the years of 2011 and 2015 nearly 350,000 children in the US were taken to the emergency department for adverse drug events c…