Is Codeine Safe for Children?
    Is Codeine Safe for Children?

    More than half a million tonsillectomies are performed each year on children in the U.S. More than sixty percent of those children report significant pain in the days that follow. Acetaminophen with c…

    A Colic Diet
    A Colic Diet

    Imagine for a moment the sound of 3 hours with a peaceful, happy baby. And imagine the opposite! About Ľ of babies will experience colic, defined as at least 3 hours of crying per day on at least 3 da…

    Owwies and Boo-boos: Kids’ Pain
    Owwies and Boo-boos: Kids’ Pain

    Sometimes children tumble, skin their knees, and keep right on playing happily. Other times, the slightest ?owwie' can cause children to dissolve in tears. Research published in the June 23, 2003 onli…

    Laughing Gas
    Laughing Gas

    Getting stitches on the face is no fun for anyone, but it is especially frightening to young children. A study published in the January 2001 issue of Annals of Emergency Medicine evaluated different w…

    Fast Facts about Ear Infections
    Fast Facts about Ear Infections

    Since ear infections are the most common diagnosis in pediatrics, it is worthwhile for a parent to learn to become a Sherlock Holmes -- able to notice the clues and suspect an ear infection before it …